Her family always played a lot of music when she grew up. She always wanted to create and make choreos and lead things to showcase it with friends. She was 11 when she started dancing and did styles like breakdance and streetdance. Enigma was her first house teacher at Lucia marthas.


She was introduced by Wenna to her first dance crew street motion. They introduced her to freestyle and the battle scene where she started training hip hop and house. Leandro was a big inspiration in house and she knew she wanted to learn that. 2012 she joined Xgen and really dove into the house. She Finished the dance school in Utrecht. Learned a lot of different styles. And during this time she started teaching kids. Of all different ages and levels.Tamara also uses alot of waacking in her dancing and together with house she has been training those styles for the longest time. She did some commercial work for Nike and some other brands. She stopped that because it didn't fully resonate.


She also started traveling for dance, to follow classes, participate  in battles and more. In Europe, Asia, and New York. Through the years she grew as a battle dancer and got internationally recognized and that also created a lot of other work. 2015 she did her first production with Ish and then she started doing more theater production tours, like with Ish- Funkish Dox & Nicole Beutler - Role Model.


She started to fulfill the dreams she had as a little girl: Traveling as a dancer, could pay her bills as an artist. And in 2017 she won a battle in the UK and became world champion in house.  She remembered winning this and didn't feel the joy she expected. She wanted more depth. That's the year she met Amenti and started learning from them and explore herself as an experimental dancer.Till this day  she works a lot with them, and it is her main theatre company.



What attracts her to house and hiphop is the music, the togetherness, being a part of something bigger than herself. Even if that is with people she don't know.House can bring her completely in her body, she has loved the music sinds she was young, but at an older age she could really experience this style in the club and noticed the power of it. It completely brought her into a trance and her own zone.House was is so nice because it really brings her from her head back in her body, with all the different rhythms,grooves, creativity and energy. And sharing that with others, that's just GOLDEN!

The empowerment of the people. To work with what u have. The music is filled with knowledge that can keep you going.



"I believe community is so important because I recognized myself within them, we share the love of this style and music. Even though we might not know each other personally."

She has been in the field for 15 years and she believes it's important that we know we are all still people and not only dancers. Just by being she already contributes in the community and through her own classes  she always tries to be a bridge between people within the community, so they can also learn from each other. It’s nice to see that there are more initiatives in the Netherlands where people come together to dance and jam to house music. She  see that the house community really supports each other. She always tries to share other events, music, documentaries, parties and battles with her students because House dance isn’t only for in class but especially outside off the walls. Clubbing is so much more than just having fun. It's also about getting to know yourself and connecting with the community !!



Tamara has a great energy and always creates a fun, free, vibey and safe space for people to grow and explore. People enjoy the fact that she always teaches from her own experiences and doesn't always refer back to the days because that doesn’t always resonate with people. She is a great teacher to introduce you to house music because she knows how to make it beginner friendly.

Beginner class is all about feeling and understanding the music, get the basic steps, the different grooves and dance together. Intermediate class is for the people to really explore their own knowledge and she gives you creative assignments to play with. Such as play with levels, floorwork, dance to other sounds in the music, all of this is important for your own personal development.